Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Let's get pooty about poops

Let's see what I'd got unintentionally from Doodie.com
A staggeringly creative idea to express your fancy to what's from your bowel :)


It's obeying Newton's third law, don't you think? Every action is accompanied by a reaction in opposite direction. I suppose the toilet-roll is redundant over there. :D


Cupid has no idea how revolting its poops are - with wings.

Get more absurd-looking gifs about poo from Doodie.com
Enjoy laughing. Life's good.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Story for You to Live by

I don't particularly like to read the forwarded messages from my friends. Due to inconvenience in accessing Internet when I was in Cheras, I did't really check my Yahoo or Hotmail as often as normal ones will do. Usually after weeks, my mailboxes would be stuffed with these junks: You've 151 unreaded messages in your inbox (I am sorry to regard them this way as it's totally a no-no for me to read them all together at one time).

Anyway, I'm on holiday now until 13th of July and so I am free enough to check mails everyday and even twice or thrice per day. So those forwarded ones being received within this period of time will be entertained with great appreciation. (Sorry for those who're kind to deliver their cool messages to me when I's in Cheras, it's definitely bad to delete others' messages without skimming through, thanks a bunch :D)

An indeed well-written story for you to live by below. Read carefully and reflect on it

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'


One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.


He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.


Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'


This is how the human brain often works when our status changes.
Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.


Life Is a Gift

before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.

you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.....

you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.

before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too early on this earth.

you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.......

you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.

whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.

And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.

before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin.

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and think: you're alive and still around.....

I will remember them always. Think before you act.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

我爱“死神” 2

在《死神》里我最喜爱并且想模仿的角色就是日番谷冬狮郎(Hitsugaya Toushirou)(ひつがや とうしろう)。从百度查了些他的资料与共同喜爱者分享:

身高 :133cm
体重 :28kg (身高、体重相当于9岁男孩的平均水平)

  • 降り频る太阳の鬣が 薄氷に残る足迹を消してゆく 不断从天而降的太阳鬃毛,让薄冰所留下的足迹都逐渐消失。
  • 欺かれるを恐れるな 世界は既に欺きの上にある 不要害怕遭到欺骗,因为这世界就建筑在欺骗之上。
  • 如果让雏森流血的话,我就杀了你
  • 破碎吧!冰晶
  • 端坐于霜天,冰轮丸!
  • 抱歉啊,没办法让你替你的属下报仇了


解放语:「霜天に坐せ『氷轮丸』」——"Souten ni zase hyourinmaru!"(そうてんにざせ、ひょうりんまる)『端坐于霜天之上吧!冰轮丸!』
[卍解] 大红莲冰轮丸
  1. 「天相従临时」冰轮丸的基本能力之一,同时也是最为强大的能力,号称天空的一切,都受到支配;冬狮郎的这个能力还处于未成熟状态,没有自信控制得很好「竜霰架(りゅうせんか)」: 详细能力不明(外观推察,用冰块包裹,打碎对方的技能,日文资料写的是:刀で贯いた相手を十字架型の氷块に闭じこめ、砕く。)。与朽木白哉的『终 景・白帝剑』相似
  2. 「千年氷牢(せんねんひょうろう)」:利用大气中的水,在周围形成无数的强大冰柱,将对方封冻。(氷柱を大量に発生させて敌を囲み、敌を闭じ込める巨大な氷块を生成する。)
  3. 「氷天百华葬」:在水汽弥漫的时候,将翅膀上的冰融化然后操纵天空,令雪花从天空降下,当敌人触到冰花的那一刻,随即冰花开满全身,将之冰冻。当身上开出100朵冰花,敌人的生命也就到了尽头。
  4. 「群鸟氷柱」:发出连环冰弹,如同成群结队的鸟一般攻击敌人


My Journey as a Pharmacist (약사로서 나의 여정) 3

I’ve only a few words as a comment for my 4th day here on attachment, i.e. I’m bored to death.

Mr. Ong’s somewhat free from my observations. Apart from sitting for newspaper and surfing Internet for some own business unrelated to his job, he’s prompt in taking his meals. (I really hope he won’t have read this post by chance in the future or else the consequence will be too ghastly to think about.)

Anyhow, he deserves a simple life like this. Most of my friends and relatives had always questioned me about my decision to be a pharmacist. My refusal to select medicine or dentistry seemed to have puzzled them quite a lot.

I visited ReCom and became a member of this Internet community last year in April. It’s a cool forum-styled website with plenty of useful educational information. It’s really expanded and widened my pupils so as to let all the new images that I’d never seen to enter my eyes and then my brain. Besides giving me some precious knowledge, it also affected my mindset in a positive way after thousands of posts by the veteran ReCommers had been skimmed through.

I guess it also had inflicted some ‘damage’ to my confidence hereafter of choosing to be a doctor or dentist. Accordingly, I chose pharmacy.

The idea of choosing pharmacy came into my mind only when I couldn’t find a way to be a doctor or a dentist. This‘s a shame. I’ve been underestimating the roles of a pharmacist.
I’d done a mistake, much to my regret.

Have I ever asked myself that I’m suitably qualified for a pharmacist?
Before making this decision, there’re actually quite a number of issues to be dealt with:

Am I careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks?
Am I reliable, responsible, and dependable, and able to fulfill obligations?
Am I honest and ethical?
Am I able to accept criticism and deal calmly and effectively with high stress situations?
Am I sensitive enough to others' needs and feelings and being understanding and helpful?
Am I able to be pleasant with others on the job and be able to display a good-natured, cooperative attitude?
Am I analytical enough?
Am I independent?
Am I able to maintain composure, keep emotions in check, control anger, and avoid aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations?
Am I being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace?
Am I willing to take on responsibilities and challenges?
Am I able to work with others rather than alone, and being personally connected with others on the job?

No. I’m not.

Despite a retail pharmacy to which I’m attached, it had really taught me an invaluable lesson that I shouldn’t judge the nobility of an occupation with its title. Every job’s noble as long as it’s a contributor to harmony and peace.

I can see there’s still a long, tough and hard way for me to go through. Be brave. God, please help me.

Reducing Weight 무게 감소

Reducing weight is pretty easy if you're to decrease your weight from 635 kg (the mass of Dr. Robert Schwartz, the heaviest man in the record) to 419 kg. And, the time required to lose such a big bulk is often short.

What do you think about losing weight from 70 kg to 60 kg? Can you do it with ease to an extent that you can lose 2 kg per day? It's definitely a no-no. To get lighter on the weighing balance is infinitely harder.

Improving a language that you've learned is like reducing weight from 70 kg to 60 kg. Starting to lose terribly great mass is a simile of getting started with a new language.

I am arching for better English but I've no idea how to make it fast. Perhaps I am too worrying about my Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In spite of being in contact with this language all the time, no obvious improvement has been recorded.

I start to have a feeling of anxiety over my ability in this language these days. I guess I should begin to work on it before it's too late. I hope blogging is one of them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A breakthrough 돌파구

A draft-design for the upcoming event, held by Hope Revive Club.
Being a graphic designer is another castle I am building in the air

Life 삶 (1)

Life can be sometimes enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies. And it's like an insect being trapped in a calculated web of a spider. In this case, there's certainly no escapeway, except that you're a escapist. Deception is one of ways, an effective one to realize something desired. Chasing after a thing that you wish to own is absolutely not similar to commiting a discourtesy. However, if you're doing something for the sake of your own good but others' trouble, it's not right anymore.

Life in the city is a delight to me as well as a dismay to me.

The goods are undoubtedly meeting new people and learning new stuffs daily as well as knowing how to live independently. They are really essential and are as pieces of empirical evidence that I'm actually going through the next stage of my mental, emotional and psychological development, a life process of every living creature.

There's only one bad: some creatures are creating menace to world peace. They are not as dangerous as weaponed terrorists as in 911 attacks. Yet, they are causing the outbreaks of inharmony. Some of them are advocating world peace by joining 'Causes' in their Facebooks but they're never aware that the actions they are taking are somewhat ignoble.

There's nothing to exemplify. Natural selection does really exist. Competition does take place everywhere but needs to happen in a positive manner. Lending your helping hand is an obligation as well as a piece of evidence for civilization.

Mans who're lacking in gratitude are truly nothing but a pile of dog shit.
Someone wicked even had plotted to destroy those who didn't do they a favour.
Those who never frankly admit that they've problems with their personality but always point at others when something goes wrong are absolutely a load of imbecilices.

On what foundation do your bold, mad, pitiable, and execrable arrogance rest?
Staying away from this bunch would be a better way...

My Journey as a Pharmacist (약사로서 나의 여정) 2

It’s at seven-thirty sharp in the morning when I awoke. I presumed that I wasn’t as nervous as what I had felt for yesterday. Thank God for that.

(Andy can’t sleep usually when he’s encountered something that’s completely new for him, the first GCE examination couple of months ago, for instance, had caused him a terrible nervous strain: his hands were trembling with fear when doing his first GCE Biology test paper was a piece of evidence.)

I have to be on duty at 9 and off duty at 3 every weekday to learn about how’s a life a pharmacist should lead. In the meantime, doing some independent research’s also important for the sake of my own achievement in the long term in addition to giving some points to be included into my personal statement.

I guess I would never know that’s quite a range of careers in pharmacy if I didn’t get into Wiki this morning. What is a pharmacist? (Definitely known) How about a pharmacy assistant or a pharmacy technician? Oh no, I supposed there’s still many things for me to learn.

Pharmacy technicians are pharmacy staff members who work under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist, and perform many pharmacy-related functions: giving medication and other health care products to patients, for instance. Pharmacy technicians also prepare or compound prescribed medication in addition to providing drugs to patients with all the medications checked by a licensed pharmacist. What’s a pharmacist’s role again?

There would probably be a shift of responsibility of a pharmacist to consulting and advising patients if the role of the technician is to increase in the next few years.

Communicative skills are very important, regardless of how well you can speak one or more languages. Pharmacy’s a medical profession demanding effective communicative skills, e.g. how communicable your information or knowledge on a specific drug is. So, the fact that the English requirement for a student to meet in order to get into King’s for pharmacy is higher than that for the other two didn’t really astonish me much.

I should say manual skill and dexterity are required also in pharmacy besides being needed for someone who aches so much to become a doctor or a dentist. A pharmacist needs to handle the drugs during drug-dispensing as well as how a doctor handles his patient during an operation.
Even counting circular tablets with a tablet-counting dispensing triangle (too long a name, I spent hours to find this real name) and using a spatula need both your hands to be skillful.

I was truly in delight when the friendly pharmacy technicians (a job title for those helping a pharmacist) invited me to learn preparing, classifying, dispensing and repackaging medicine with them. Till this moment, I had already mastered the technique of counting tablets by using two equipments. I really envy my partners that they could really dispense tablets with practiced ease. I guess ‘Practice makes perfect’ is rather suitable in this context.

What’s a blister pack? This question needs to come into my mind before I could understand what is meant by ‘deblistering’. A blister pack or package is an innovative containment system made up of three layers [http://www.cncmagazine.com/vol6thru8/v7i25/v7i25g-MrDeb.htm]: a layer of paper that is printed with an information or warning label, a layer of foil that seals in the medication and a layer of plastic bubbles (called blisters) that hold the pills or capsules. Deblistering is therefore referred to a system of product recovery that involves punching holes in the blister packages to retrieve the tablets for repackaging purpose.

Gaining working experience in a pharmacy solely is not enough for me, I reckon that expending more effort and time on research in regard to this is another principal thing I need to do in this break.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009





造成多年没再动过漫画书的原因只有几个 - 省钱、省时间和放不下。帮不下承重的功课和责任来放纵自己。不知是家母的教导让我无法原谅自己的尽情陶醉在漫画堆中还是我自己的借口让我放弃了全家的愛好?


不过这次吸引我的并不是漫画本身,是听得到、看得到和可以陪着一起沉醉在其中的动漫。看到如此美妙刀剑的挥舞及人物表情的动人表达,我不禁再次爱上日本漫画!真希望我也是里面的一员啊(最好是日番谷) ^^!

My Journey as a Pharmacist (약사로서 나의 여정) 1

One of the most meaningful Mondays in my life – this was the first day I started my journey as a ‘pharmacist-to-be’ as well as the date when I was awake to the reality of the situation that I should start getting serious about the career I’d opted for one year ago.

I only began to get worried about the fact that I’m going to work on an attachment yesterday. It’s shown that I was actually not more than ‘decadent’ or ‘self-indulgent’ would be a more appropriate term to describe the life before.

I reached the ‘assigned’ pharmacy promptly at 9.00 a.m. It’s not considered a true community pharmacy if you’re to follow the true definition, that the pharmacist doesn’t really prepare drugs inside (I don’t regard repackaging what’s ready is a part of drug preparation).

The drugstore wasn’t open punctually at the expected time but slightly later. It’s perfectly alright in my mind for I shouldn’t have complained so much or else I could have put myself at a risk of being thrown out.

I was invited into Mr. Ong’s after a polite greeting. I was glad he’s responding to me at that moment. Mr. Ong’s well-known for his having a calm and introverted disposition. I had to express my appreciation with a few bows.

Definitely nobody was in, except him. I was glad that I was the earliest among his employees despite the fact that I was paid experience rather than ringgits.

To my surprise, he’s the first to ask about some of my particulars before I racked my brain for questions to be asked to resolve the tense atmosphere – that’s what I think.

My questions popped out after the end of my answering sentences so as to relax myself a bit more. They were actually praises presented as a matter of fact for I’m always curious that how a pharmacist can have all his drugs’ names and uses as well as their locations clearly inscribed in his minds. I really have doubts sometimes as to whether will my memory be enough for all of these as I know upgrading wouldn’t be possible for me at this age.

Observing patiently is as important as being able to endure hours of standing at a fixed position, either for who’s keen or forced for gaining knowledge. I think I am in the 2nd group. Monday’s indeed a hectic day for everyone in the store as the day before was when the shop’s closed.

There’re lots of interesting visitors today and I was very fortunate to see how a new product was being introduced into the market in a more detailed way. There were actually promoters being sent by the drug company to persuade Mr. Ong to take the new product – Probiotics into consideration so the new product can be displayed like others on the shelf. Personally, I didn’t think Mr. Ong liked their special visit very much. From his expression at that time, he didn’t seem to be convinced though the explanations made were making the product fascinating.

An auntie-like promoter in early thirties had appeared abruptly. She’s acting like this drugstore is a chain store of hers. At first sight, I thought she’s Mr. Ong’s wife as her actions were showing that Mr. Ong’s her helpmate. Luckily, before I had time to regard her Mrs. Ong, another lovely employee of his told me that she’s actually another promoter of Vita-Health who’s coming frequently to this drugstore to the extent that she could identify every medicine in the store as well as on which rack a particular drug is placed.

Though she’s pretty bossy and always spoke in a peremptory tone, she did teach me something about how to dispense a prescription with correct dosage and also a way to know how many tablets or capsules should be taken by customers each day.

I was, and am still totally ignorant about dispensing medicines and therefore I only helped to settle some odds and ends for Mr. Ong; things like dusting the remainder drugs on the racks and tidying the boxes away.

Although I didn’t really work within this six-hour time, I was indeed worn out with satisfaction that I did actually learn a great deal. Observing and listening are really vital for acquiring knowledge and I should get myself into these arts.