Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Journey as a Pharmacist (약사로서 나의 여정) 3

I’ve only a few words as a comment for my 4th day here on attachment, i.e. I’m bored to death.

Mr. Ong’s somewhat free from my observations. Apart from sitting for newspaper and surfing Internet for some own business unrelated to his job, he’s prompt in taking his meals. (I really hope he won’t have read this post by chance in the future or else the consequence will be too ghastly to think about.)

Anyhow, he deserves a simple life like this. Most of my friends and relatives had always questioned me about my decision to be a pharmacist. My refusal to select medicine or dentistry seemed to have puzzled them quite a lot.

I visited ReCom and became a member of this Internet community last year in April. It’s a cool forum-styled website with plenty of useful educational information. It’s really expanded and widened my pupils so as to let all the new images that I’d never seen to enter my eyes and then my brain. Besides giving me some precious knowledge, it also affected my mindset in a positive way after thousands of posts by the veteran ReCommers had been skimmed through.

I guess it also had inflicted some ‘damage’ to my confidence hereafter of choosing to be a doctor or dentist. Accordingly, I chose pharmacy.

The idea of choosing pharmacy came into my mind only when I couldn’t find a way to be a doctor or a dentist. This‘s a shame. I’ve been underestimating the roles of a pharmacist.
I’d done a mistake, much to my regret.

Have I ever asked myself that I’m suitably qualified for a pharmacist?
Before making this decision, there’re actually quite a number of issues to be dealt with:

Am I careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks?
Am I reliable, responsible, and dependable, and able to fulfill obligations?
Am I honest and ethical?
Am I able to accept criticism and deal calmly and effectively with high stress situations?
Am I sensitive enough to others' needs and feelings and being understanding and helpful?
Am I able to be pleasant with others on the job and be able to display a good-natured, cooperative attitude?
Am I analytical enough?
Am I independent?
Am I able to maintain composure, keep emotions in check, control anger, and avoid aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations?
Am I being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace?
Am I willing to take on responsibilities and challenges?
Am I able to work with others rather than alone, and being personally connected with others on the job?

No. I’m not.

Despite a retail pharmacy to which I’m attached, it had really taught me an invaluable lesson that I shouldn’t judge the nobility of an occupation with its title. Every job’s noble as long as it’s a contributor to harmony and peace.

I can see there’s still a long, tough and hard way for me to go through. Be brave. God, please help me.


changyang1230 said...

Indeed indeed. Many people think of pharmacists as no different from a "medication dispenser", but in reality the job of a pharmacist entails far more than that. I hope that you enjoy pharmacy as a career. :)

Crazy Gal said...

yes. you are.
u can become anything u want, if u really want it.
believe in urself, n have more confidence in urself la, haiyoyo...:)