It's been seven months since I last got in contact with my weblog. It's really a long while. What ignites my interest in getting back to blogging is when I found that everyone, even my lazy ex-housemate has already written quite a lotsa things (with pictures some more) in his newly-created blog. I suppose my kiasu nature is the major factor that pushes me into writing again.
Let's recall what I had long written for the past few months or rather past few years. I began to scribble (the word I used to describe what I post when I first started with blogging) after I'd got to know my SPM results in March 2008. My first posts were all quite related to the happy incidents like attending school's award days and receiving money all that. After that, I had my first post in UCSI on 1st of July 2008, which was actually the second day of mine in UCSI.
I continued to write my posts in Word cos we had no Internet access in where we stayed and posted them online when I was in the school library. It's kinda enjoying when trying to recollect the events that had happened in the past though some memory has faded away. Most of my scribbles in 2009 were aimed at improving my English cos IETLS was just around the corner. When I'm reading back, I found that some of them are totally meaningless and I'm gonna be held up as an object of ridicule if I continue to keep them. But anyway, it's become part of my history so it'd be better to keep them.
In 2010, 'Am I in your list' was the first and the only post before this. It was written when I was in an indeed down mood. I was in despair and desperation for the well-beings of all my relationships. Thanks to God that HE partially listened to my prayers (partially did imply that I wasn't sincere enough in praying so the prayers were not heard). Guess this 2010-post was still remaining unread cos I have never made an effort to expose it. (Before this, I would always post on my Facebook Wall, updating my friends about what I've done to my blog)
The last line of the paragraph caused me to conjure up the images of mine designing the posters for Student Council and Hope Revive. I should mock myself here cos I'm not really a good designer. I had once been proud of it, though. *muka tembok*
There were sad things and happy things during my times in UCSI though I really think the former stays as the majority. Nevertheless, what I've experienced all this while have indeed taught me a lotsa lessons which I couldn't possibly find them in anywhere else. I wanna to say thank you to my Lord en route to continue to crap. :D
I have just done a renovation which I think is more tasteful than the previous ones if you have noticed that (Please refer to a doctor if you don't see any changes :P). My 'tagline' has just been changed to 'Listening to Yijing's craps', haha, I do really crap a lot, particularly after knowing some friends who are genuine crappers (JF and LJ, I'm saying this to you). Not just all the physical changes that you have just seen but also, psychologically and mentally, I have changed tremendously.
Why do I say so? I was blogging for blogging, previously. Presently, everything has changed. I will write what I want not what I'm meant to write. This is the greatest change and this is the change that I desire all the while. Blogging will soon become part of my life. I just hope I won't lose the passion to continue sharing my thoughts.
'Wahahahaha' It's so glad to declare that I have grown up. It could be just a bit, according to my dear mum. :D Outsiders might not see much changes in me but trust me I really have changed, both positively and negatively (kinda sad to say cos I seriously have been driving myself far away from God) *God, please give me strength to come back to you*
For readers of my blog, I guess you would have started to yawn, expressing your boredom of reading this post. All in all, it's time for me to reboot myself now and it's time for the readers to see a more casual me. Let's begin to write again!
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